
Miles For Smiles

AcQua Restaurant, 2192 Niagara Street, Buffalo

15th annual "Miles for Smiles" Wine Tasting Event to benefit the Craniofacial Center of Western New York at John R. Oishei Children's Hospital.

Wine tasting, delicious hors d’oeuvres, carving station, coffee bar, scrumptious desserts & music by singer/songwriter Steve Balesteri. Contests, theme basket raffle and silent auction with fabulous prizes, including: autographed Bills & Sabres items, jewelry, golf items, food & gift baskets, spa and restaurant gift certificates, theatre passes & more! Tickets are only $45 Cash, check (made payable to Miles for Smiles), or credit card for ticket purchase and event auctions

For more information please call 716-323-6062 or email